Finding Solace by Crispin Korschen
This lovely new moon in Libra is on the fixed star Vindemiatrix, and asteroid Pandora, the mischief makers, writes Kim Falconer from her 11th House Blog. With ruling Venus, energetic Mars, expansive Jupiter, pragmatic Saturn, mystical Neptune and game changer Pluto involved, we’re in for a dynamic time.
NEW MOON September 30th/October 1st
@8 LIBRA 15‘
LA – Friday – 5:12 pm
NY – Friday – 8:12 pm
LON – Saturday – 1:12 am
SYD– Saturday – 10:12 am
The intentions you set on this new moon will bring change for the better, as long as you are in touch with what you really want. Release ANYTHING that drains; fuel EVERYTHING that excites. Remember, this is trickster energy. The goal is to balance; the method could involve tipping the apple cart. Don’t judge. Allow.
Notice the New Moon falls in the FIRST Decan of Libra (between 0 and 10 degrees) taking on a Venus-Venus quality. In spite of the Trickster afoot, the New Moon leans towards easy going, with a cultivated and gentle nature. Nothing course or raw here, especially with Mars exalted in Capricorn. It’s sensual and artistic; social and attracting. Loves company. Wants to express creativity.
Check the scopes for sign by sign hints.
ARIES: The New Moon in your house of personal one-to-one relationships, business or pleasure, has a gentle but persistent breakout feel! You are letting go of anything that smacks of ‘toleration’ and getting on with life. Bold, dynamic and ready to improve the situation. Get thee to the high road!
TAURUS: Take this vitalizing energy and pour it into your health and well-being. Set new gym goals, start the best ever nutritional program and light a fire under all your beliefs about what you can and cannot achieve. Drop anyone or anything that fails to support; exalt the things that do!
GEMINI: This is all about co-creation, brainstorming, mind-melds and magic Muse conjuring. There is a project at hand that benefits from partnership. All you have to do is reach out. If at first no one steps up, partner with your Muse, your ever present creative spirit who is waiting to be invited in!
CANCER: If there is one place to ‘get yourself correct’ this month it is in the home and those you live with. Think external – repairs, Feng Shui, de-clutter, collaborative sanctuary creation mode. Internally – emotional peace and psychological stability with connections. One supports the other. Get to it!
LEO: Your New Moon
is in the house of communications, supporting rash and honest ‘clearing of the air’ statements. This gets you and all your relationships on track, up to date and free of constraint. No more hedging the difficult ‘issues’. Let it out. Purge. Connect! Do it!
VIRGO: This New Moon is all about developing talents and resources that will support you. No going it alone! There is someone out there who is ready to collaborate, fueling your creative genius. Connect with two goals in mind – creative self-expression and financial abundance. Nice.
LIBRA: This is your personal New Moon and with it comes the creation of balance between what you experience as Self and what you perceive as Other. No more all or nothing when it comes to partnerships and unions. Your primary relationship is with you. Nurture that AND explore the new connections!
SCORPIO: This is you ‘shadow’ New Moon, a time where you chill, meditate, immerse in beauty and form connections to your inner world. (‘Imaginary’ friends can be most beneficial right now!) Call on your angels, conjure your ‘Deamon‘ and raise your phantom! Explore behind the veil!
SAGITTARIUS: The ‘friendship’ New Moon is upon you! Get out of any routine, or spiral trajectory, find honor and appreciate the bejazza out of your friends. Celebrate the people in your life who vibe like you, understand your quirks and love all the crazy things you do. Connect. Connect. Connect!
CAPRICORN: Time to buff up your public identity and connections to the collective! A glorious New Moon of empowerment, potential and ultra-savvy leadership awaits. It’s not about having to be perfect. It’s about having a generous heart, caring about your people and aspiring with integrity.
AQUARIUS: You will LOVE this New Moon, as long as you have ‘space’ around you, which is a state of mind. Let go of all the ‘facts’ and things you know ‘for sure’. It’s time to be mind blown by the realm of infinite possibilities. As you travel (real or metaphorical), you meet friends /lovers along the way!
PISCES: The New Moon in Libra is an arrow pointing towards intimacy, connection and transformation through love. All you have to do is show up. In your willingness to become more than you already are, surrender to the call of the wild, the unknown, the unknowable. Merge! All this to reform you.
Share what’s happening for you in the comments, and have a fabulous New Moon, everyone!
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You can learn more about Kim at AvaSykes.com, the 11th House Blog, and on FaceBook and Twitter. She posts here at the Supernatural Underground on the 16th of every month and runs Save the Day Writer’s Community on Facebook. All Welcome.