Venus Embellished by Michael Parkes
According to Verandah Magazine’s resident astrology guru, Kim Falconer, Venus, the Goddess of Love, is taking up a five-month sojurn in the sign of Leo. Find out what Venus has in store for you – align with the Stars. Read more of Kim’s astrology on Kim Falconer’s 11th House Blog.
Astro-LOA Flash: Venus enters the sign of Leo on June 5th, 11:32 am EDT. This ingress happens every year around this time but . . . where Venus usually transits for a month or so in each sign, this sojourn in Leo will last five full months, until October 9, 2015.
The retrograde zone is virtually active the whole time, from June 21 to October 9th.
What to expect with Venus in Leo?
Leo is a FIRE sign, positive, outgoing and FIXED in motion. Think fire of the heart, passion, creativity, courage and generosity. Venus here gets her flamboyance on. She love drama anyway but during this period, she’s bent on waking up everyone’s inner prima donna. If you have a creative outlet, excellent. If you don’t, find one. Now.
Venus has to do with our core values, what really carries weight and meaning in life. If you aren’t living yours, expressing them in your career, relationships, home, family, creativity, you’ll lose the ability to pretend things are ‘fine’. Especially during the retrograde period from July 25th to September 6th. The WILL is empowered and if you don’t have healthy, authentic outlets for your drives, rejected energy turns in on itself. In such an event, the body is likely going to cop it.
Leo rules the heart, upper back and with Venus reigning, the HAIR. ANY health issues at this time are messages from the body that things aren’t quite right. Get to the heart of whatever it is you are repressing and release, release, release. For help on Eliminating Tolerations, see the GoodVibeBlog.
Even though Retrograde, Venus in Leo has dignity, warmheartedness and compassion. Wherever this is happening in your chart (where you find the degrees of Leo) you can turn on your creative fire, your love and your charm! Yes, you’re going to re-evaluate EVERYTHING in this astrological house(s), but the results are always a more authentic you!
Hints by zodiac sign for WHERE you want to relax, rethink and restore.
ARIES: Venus through your house of creative self expression is fabulous for artistic pursuits and child-like play. Pre-pave your true desires here. This is also a charming time for romance but with the retrograde, it’s likely things will flare from ex-current-ex, lukewarm to sizzling again. Wait until October to make a decisions.
TAURUS: This cycle is all about the home. Are you Queen/King of your castle? If not, why not? Take this time to get the home life correct. That means family as well as the physical dwelling. You might have a major re-evaluation of life style and location. Consider long; make any major move after Oct 9 if possible.
GEMINI: If you have a career in writing, teaching, studying or any form of the written/spoken word, this is your time to gain major accolades. Put your works in front of eyes that matter. Proposals could take yonks to hear back on but the results are potentially spectacular. Involve yourself with a sibling, cousin or community.
CANCER: Venus in your financial sector says “shake your money maker.” Put yourself out there while you dream bigger than you ever have before. No more shyness before all things. Bold, bright and beautiful is your manta. Check into your core values. Make sure you are living yours to the max!
LEO: This is your sun sign/Venus conjunction and it gives you double the charm, double the allure and ten fold the vivacity. Use this energy, especially on your own self development. Reconsider everything from wardrobe to walk, style to elocution. Your whole image gets a change up. Be MORE you.
VIRGO: Your life force glows from the core of your heart to the outer reaches of the cosmos. People will notice the change. Compassion is amplified, and so is a hard to pinpoint charisma. This is where you give to the greater oneness of life, like a beneficent goddess of antiquity. And, follow your heart wherever it leads.
LIBRA: The life of the party, the charm and enchantment in any group, you shine among friends, center stage. Like truth serum, when it comes to your closest others, Venus reveals who is loyal and who has moved on. Expect some reshuffling where attachments are concerned. Amp hopes and wishes for the future!
SCORPIO: Whatever you are after on the career front, smile and it’s yours. Just take note, during the Rx cycle, you may discover that what you thought would make you happy doesn’t cut it anymore. Revisit your core values and trust guidance to pave the way to what you heart desires. Can you imagine this clearly?
SAGITTARIUS: Expansion is your style and with Venus in your solar travel sector there’s plenty of potential for all levels – mind, body and spirit. As you ready for new horizons, think of sharing the adventure. Venus wants to partner and in Leo it will make the journey doubly sweet. An old flame resurfaces . . . perhaps?
CAPRICORN: All work and no play will only piss Venus in Leo off, royally. You want to schedule in some fun around all the empire building. There’s a chance to rethink your approach to intimacy. It might change the way you view life. Be it tarot with a friend, deep and meaningful conversations or sizzling passion, doors open now.
AQUARIUS: Consider the power of pre-paving when it comes to all your personal, one-to-one socially significant relationships. You don’t want to let this opportunity go untouched. Get to the core of what you REALLY want when it comes to partnership, biz or pleasure. What unfolds now will enlighten you, if you let it.
PISCES: Note: any issue with the body is a message that something isn’t quite right. You want to jump on this, not through ‘treatment’ but by listening. What is it that you repress? Release that now, and put some love into your nutrition, exercise, work and magic. Creativity and passion bloom at the strangest times! And that time is now.
Check Kim’s 7 minute Youtube tutorial on the transits of Venus.
If you want to learn more about astrology and the law of attraction, join the GVA Circle over at Good Vibe Astrology.com.
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Happy Venus into Leo, Everyone!