Image by Elena Lishanskaya
With the New Moon in Gemini igniting the Mutable Cross, think mental and physical stimulation through the contrast of mind, body, spirit and desire writes Kim Falconer from her 11th House Blog
You want to expand, but do you feel worthy? You want to connect, but do you trust other people? You want to shine in your chosen calling, but do you really have it right? This month is a puzzle only you can solve. And you will!
It’s perfectly natural, with this Grand Cross in the sky, to feel a little underwhelmed, a little meh. Don’t fight it. Sun/Moon square Jupiter, square Saturn, square Neptune, square Sun/Moon….aka the Mutable Grand Cross, will guide you into old, stagnant places that are ready to be released. Then, BLING! You’re on your way! Treat yourself to loads of kindness and self-care, and focus on something you know will light you up. Plenty of time later in the month to get the mojo working again.
New Moon @14 Gemini ’53
Saturday/Sunday June 4/5th
LA – Sat – 8:00 pm
NY – Sat – 11:00 pm
Lon – Sun – 4:00 am
SYD – Sun – 1:00 pm
Until then, it’s the dark moon in Taurus, time to sound the retreat. Release any burning desire to MAKE things happen and rest, restore, rejuvenate. Give yourself some down time, foot off the throttle. When the New Moon in Gemini rises, you’ll be all systems refreshed and ready to go. Set inspired new intentions then!
To amp this process up even more, look to where 15 degrees of Gemini is in your natal chart and immerse yourself in the environment of that house.
Happy Dark Moon/New Moon, Everyone. I’d love to hear about the conversations, brainstorms and new intentions that brew for you this week.
ARIES/Moon in the 3rd house: Opportunities for travel could come up, but first they seem more laden with responsibilities than fun. Don’t be to quick to dismiss. If you’re feeling stressed, bored or restless, explore ways to make your world bigger. A course of study? Quality time with a sibling? Writing, speaking and learning are all favored this month. Set intentions there.
TAURUS/Moon in the 2nd house: Money, security and finances are on your mind, even more than usual this month. If you are equating personal freedom with dollars in the bank, try not to make that quite so literal. Freedom is a state of mind, not a fat bank statement. Ask any millionaire. Your core values are mutable right now. Tune in to where preferences have changed.
GEMINI/Moon in the 1st house: The restless urge to change inwardly may appear to be solved by changing outward circumstances like relationships, home, daily routine, career. But no… The outside situation is only a reflection of your inner state of being. For a new shop window, redress the display, not the foot traffic. There’s a lot of energy to fuel your next big desire. Set the intention now.
CANCER/Moon in the 12th house: This is a bridge building time where communications with your higher guidance, that BIG you inside the YOU you, is potentially golden. There is one of two choices: Focus on how wrong things are going, or focus on how right things are going. The first choice leads to gloomsvile. The second to Yahoo-it’s-happening-ville. You decide.
LEO/Moon in the 11th house: Your social life is under the spotlight. Perhaps the initial feeling is, ‘This sucks …’ but don’t worry. Attention on what you want with friends, collaborations, joint projects and socially significant leadership all points you in the direction you want to go. Creativity begins this month in isolation then expands out to involve others in powerful ways. Don’t hold back.
VIRGO/Moon in the 10th house: Social identity, mission, profession gets a thorough makeover as the career takes a turn for the better (in the long run). Think more responsibility, more attention, more critical review, more pressure, and all for greater rewards. You may change career paths very suddenly, but if it feels good, you’ll be so glad you did. Set new intentions for a successful future.
LIBRA/Moon in the 9th house: New horizons are going to bring fresh insights with opportunities for travel, adventure, higher edu, and the expansion of dreams and aspirations. You gain inner perspective by going off the beaten path, especially in the areas of academia, publishing, foreign connections, and spiritual awakenings. Don’t back down on what you believe is right for you.
SCORPIO/Moon in the 8th house: Revelations and ah-ha moments arise when it comes to shared resources, hidden truths and co-creations. You are making big changes in this area of life, starting with how well you can let go of the past. Meaning REALLY let go. Intimacy and intensity will sling-shot you forward, and that requires taking emotional risks. Be willing to embrace the unknown.
SAGITTARIUS/Moon in the 7th house: The New Moon in Gemini is all about re-visioning your relationships so they are an authentic match to the NOW you, not the you of five years ago, or the you they would like you to be. As you understand yourSELF and project that identity with awareness and integrity, your relationships will bloom or wither. Get to a place where you feel at peace, either way.
CAPRICORN/Moon in the 6th house: There are two major areas activate by this New Moon: your health and your daily routine/job. There could be physical changes, where an old complaint or diagnosis resolves, freeing you up to put your energy into project you haven’t been able start. Or you might change jobs, tasks/routines. The key is to focus on what you want to experience in the mind-body-spirit, and allow!
AQUARIUS/Moon in the 5th house: This is the most romantic energy of the year for you–not the only chance to access a red hot date night or creative ideal, but it’s definitely one of them. The focus is on heartfelt joy and connection, be that through art, children, intimacy or playing with the inner child. What starts out as #bahhumbug transforms into YES! Yes! Yes! … oh yeah …
PISCES/Moon in the 4th house: This is the perfect time to sort out any kinks between career goals/aspirations AND your home life/sanctuary. Remember, you can honor both by setting intentions for security AND abundance, comfort AND creative risk, sanctuary AND adventure. You decide, but make sure home and mission in life are both part of your journey, not some distant, vague destination.
Have a wonderful Gemini New Moon, all!
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