In the hundreds of times Lismore-based photographer Andrew Sooby has walked the Byron Lighthouse Precinct, he doesn’t ever recall ever seeing Ospreys – but last weekend his luck changed. “These shots are of one of a a pair which was patrolling between Clarke’s Beach and the Eastern Most Point,” says Sooby. “They hovered over Wategos, beaks into the strong northerly wind, virtually motionless for minute or two at a time, before suddenly banking away to let the wind push them further up or down the shore line. I caught one of them diving to the surface and drag something out, and another one from underneath, flying high. They were truly awesome.”

Says Sooby: “I shot these on a Nikon D750; 24-120 zoom, each set at 120mm; each ISO 100; each at f.4; each at 2000sec.”
For more information on Andrew Sooby go to: luminousmudbrick
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