» Australian Afterlife Explorers Conference https://www.verandahmagazine.com.au Byron Bay & Beyond Sat, 04 Apr 2015 10:48:18 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.0.1 Exploring the afterlife while we’re still here https://www.verandahmagazine.com.au/exploring-afterlife-still/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=exploring-afterlife-still https://www.verandahmagazine.com.au/exploring-afterlife-still/#comments Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:49:17 +0000 https://www.verandahmagazine.com.au/?p=2412  Perhaps even more concerning to humanity than the Secret of Life, is the Secret of Death.  Where do we go when we die?  Do...

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The Inaugrual Afterlife Conference is taking place in Sydney on January 25-27

The Inaugrual Australian Afterlife Explorers Conference is taking place in Sydney on January 24, 25 and 26.

 Perhaps even more concerning to humanity than the Secret of Life, is the Secret of Death.  Where do we go when we die?  Do we really die?  Now a group of afterlife experts, including our own local afterlife expert Barry Eaton are taking part in the first ever Australian Afterlife Conference.

Most people tend to associate conferences with a group of corporate type people getting together for a talk fest and post event social celebration.  Well, forget that! I am delighted to be part of a fascinating conference for people who don’t want to get all frocked up to impress the competition and of course their colleagues.

If you’re interested in the mysteries of life there is an exciting opportunity to be part of Australia’s inaugural Afterlife Conference in January in Sydney.

The Australian Afterlife Explorers Conference will bring together some of Australia’s and New Zealand’s finest afterlife researchers, academics, authors and mediums in a three day event over the Australia Day holiday weekend.

The main aim of the conference is to forge the link between science and spirituality, to challenge our negative perception of death and to remove the fear associated with it. “Death is one of life’s greatest mysteries,” says conference organizer, Mick Turner. “When we die, do we simply no longer exist, or is there a continuity of consciousness and progression of our soul?”

The prospect of our consciousness surviving the physical death of our body all too often is simply dismissed by a sceptical scientific community. Scientists sadly often ignore and ridicule reports of strange phenomena from those who have approached, and in some cases gone beyond, the threshold of death … even though such experiences have a profound effect upon those who experience them.

Some of Australia’s most knowledgeable professionals will be presenting a the conference, including retired lawyer Victor Zammit, International President of the Michael Newton Institute, Peter Smith, and Australian social scientist Michele Knight. Well known mediums Ezio and Michelle DeAngelis and Val Hood will not only speak at the conference, but will give demonstrations of afterlife contact. They will be joined by other leading mediums in special presentations on the Saturday and Sunday evenings.

I am very pleased to also be one of the presenters, as well as MC-ing what is shaping up to be a memorable weekend. Having written two books on this subject I can attest to the growing interest in all areas of life after death, ranging from Near Death Experiences to the afterlife journey itself.


Over three days there will be twenty-one presentations with a diverse array of topics including ‘The Metaphysical Experiences of Following and Observing Three Souls at the Moment of Physical Death’ by Michael Roads.

“It’s time we all realised that we are eternal beings,” says Peter Smith, President of the Michael Newton Institute. “We have Life between Lives therapists validating the afterlife experience for clients in 40 countries around the world on a daily basis.”

Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, curious about what happens when you die, or pondering your own mortality, then this conference will leave you feeling less fearful about death, inspired to live a more loving and purposeful life, and comforted  by new thoughts of your loved ones in the afterlife. One of the most important benefits of this conference will be to help people realise that life is ongoing, only the body dies.

The conference will be held at the Parramatta RSL Club in Sydney on the 24th, 25th and 26th January 2015

For more details of the conference, including a full list of the presenters and the daily schedule please visit the website Afterlifeexplorers

Barry Eaton is a former ABC radio and TV presenter, current host of RadioOutThere.com and the author of ‘Afterlife’ and ‘No Goodbyes’.  You can order his book here: afterlifebarryeaton and find out more about Radio Out There here: radiooutthere


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