This Valentine’s Day, make no mistake about it, the stars are on the side of ‘love’. Writer and Verandah Magazine astrologer Kim Falconer says it’s hot stuff, with Psyche, Eros, Venus and Mars all within cooee of each other.
From Kim Falconer’s 11th House Blog.
Astro-LOA Flash – Psyche and Eros are conjunct @21 Pisces within ear shot of Venus and Mars conjunct!
Internally, we may feel ready to meet a more profound level of relating, to ourselves and to others. This can manifest as a projection of that readiness onto others. ie, it can manifest in red hot love.
Psyche longs for a sense of completion through the unity of all life. This is were we are telepathic, intuitive and forever linked with everything, everywhere, all the time. Psyche binds us to the collective unconscious where we dip into the pool of creativity, taste the essence of spiritual awareness and bond with others of our tribe. When she approaches Eros, the bonding is of such a magnitude that we recognize, often for the first time, our infinite capacity to love.
It can be that profound.
This transit may correspond to sudden and super hot love unions, the meeting of a soul mate (our Self as others), the initiation of a creative project or the birth of a child. However it comes, it always takes our breath away. Phew!
This post might seem timely, but it’s just a fluke that it coincides with the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day. The conjunctions have little to do with Saints, chocolate or paper card consumption perpetuated for commercial gain.
Actually, there could be a link to chocolate, so scratch that, but this isn’t about Valentine’s Day, it’s about experiencing and expression passion a la Eros, Venus, Psyche and Mars.

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Have you read the myth of Psyche and Eros? Talk about an exposé on desire.
In pursuing (Eros), we pursue our greatest desire. Yet, after all, we live in ignorance of how it will approach. We can only listen, and pray, for the sounds of Eros’ soft, quivering wings.
-Harriot Eisman (1995) The Other Loveliness, PARABOLA, The Magazine of Myth and Tradition, Vol. XX, No. 4.
Passion and desire here mean heart (oh gosh, another V day connection) and if you are laboring after a cause – relationship, job, career, education, creative pitch, you-name-it, and your heart isn’t there, this upcoming transit is going to slam on the breaks, whiplash and all. It’s a ‘get real’ shake up you will not soon forget.
But is it a time to fall in love? Let’s think about that. Richart Roberts has an interesting take, and it isn’t new. Basically, we fall in love with ourselves.
When we fall in love, we shoot out an arrow of psychic energy from the quiver of our unconscious. When this energy finds a person worthy of our projection (“worthy of our love”) then the energy flies back to us like one of Eros’ arrows and we are zapped. But it is not the quality of the other person who has made us fall in love, but the quantity of psychic energy projected by ourselves. Richard Roberts
If this is true, then let’s use this time to put awareness on our heart’s desires and see where they are driving us, where they have changed and where we are willing and open, ready to expand our consciousness and embrace empowered passion.
Think of the conjunction as potent and yes, but the big headline is authentic – authentic desires that resonate with core values, drives, connections, relationships . . . It’s a crazy level passion, and you may get a shock to discover what you thought was lighting you up is no longer, but something new has taken its place.
Where you find this conjunction in your chart is where you tune in to what you want to experience. You get current! If it’s in your 7th house then discover the core of your committed partnership drives. If it’s in your 2nd, what talents and resources do you want to develop? In your 9th, check your beliefs, and any plans to travel, or pursue a higher degree. Yes, you can fall head over heels in this area of life, triggered by the experience of your own psychic energy mirrored back to you.
What to do?
Enjoy the hell out of it!
And for those astrologically minded readers amongst you – check the degrees of Pisces and Aries involved, and where they fall in your chart. Leveraging this energy begins with knowing a) where we are at now and b) where we would like to be. Once we know this, we can c) close the gap and experience the passion of the heart without reserve, or resistance.
“The Gap is the space between where you are now and where you want to be. If you know what you want but don’t have it yet, you’re in the gap. Getting what you want is just a matter of closing that gap – which means aligning vibrationally with what you want.” -Jeannette Maw.
Read more from Jeannette here!
I give everything a 10 degree orb, at least, so this connection is on for months. Note: Mars/Venus is exact on the Zero Degree Aries Point. Also, the 14th of Feb has the sun conjunct Psyche exact, so tune in, ask higher guidance what you really feel in your heart and open to the answer. It will come in remarkable, spectacular ways.
I’d love to hear where this is happening for you and what you experience!
Happy Eros and Psyche conjunction. Live it up!
GVA circle members, we’ll be discussing this on our next live call.
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