If music be the food of love, play on

Doug and Echo enjoing a soulful moment during a horse and musician get together at Aurora Valley, run by Beate Somer.
Doug and Echo enjoing a soulful moment during a horse and musician get together at Aurora Valley, run by Beate Somer.

When a group of nine musicians, singers, horselovers and healers all came together for a day with Beate Sommer’s herd of horses at Aurora Valley, just outside Bangalow, some very special magic happened, and it just goes to show that love, as the song says, is a many splendoured thing…

From the top:

The gathering; Butters, the Shetland pony, meets Ketan, from Switzerland; Butters and Ketan, and Rose joins in; Doug plays a tune to Tammie; Gary serenades Buffalo; Wild thing, you make my heart sing – Gary and Rose; Doug and Buffalo in the groove together; a little moment between Butters and Doug; the herd decides to hang out with the humans; Elvina and Tammie; Marliese and Tammie; Please don’t go…(Photography: Anne Schrimpf)

“It was an extraordinary experience,” says Sommer, “there was a mutual seeking out, admiration and enjoyment of each other’s company.”

If you are interested in experiencing a unique horse experience contact Beate Sommer at Aurora Valley Take Time 2 Smell The Horses  taketime2smellthehorses Heart Centered Emotional Intelligence and Energy Healing facilitated by HORSE.



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